The Party in the Middle of the World

One of the best things about our stay in Quito was that it coincided with the annual QuitoFest celebrations and the whole city was fiesta mode, with party buses prowling through town, blaring salsa music while scores of festive Ecuadorians boogied along on-board, on the sidewalks and in the street. Every park and square had…

Surfday birthday in Canoa

With my birthday very fast approaching, we headed to another beach town called Canoa, which we hoped would be a bit livelier than Puerto Lopez. It certainly was; we arrived into a town in the midst of a weekend-long, town-wide party celebrating the town’s centenary (or something along those lines). The streets were closed to…

Not the Galapagos Islands: Puerto Lopez

Since it was basically a choice between visiting the (very spendy) Galapagos Islands or around 2 more months of travel, we sadly resigned Darwin’s islands to the “next trip box” and instead headed to the very aptly nicknamed “poor man’s Galapagos”; Isla la Plata, located an hour by boat from the town of Puerto Lopez.…

Lima: surprisingly charming

A lot of people we’d met ripped on Lima. No one seemed to like it very much. I liked it quite a lot. We stayed in the Miraflores district, which does not perhaps give the most authentic experience of the city, being a modern, upscale seaside neighbourhood where only very wealthy Peruvians and expat gringos…

A short essay about how much I hate flying.

Our flight from Puerto Maldonado to Lima went via Cusco and the first leg to Cusco was incredibly bumpy and felt like our small plane was being thrown all over the sky and at imminent risk of breaking apart. Ironically for someone who loves to travel as much as I do, I’m not a particularly…

Welcome to the Jungle: Tambopata National Park

After returning from Machu Picchu, we stayed a couple more days in Cusco, catching up on sleep, finally getting Brad’s arm checked out by a doctor, and scoffing a couple of final Fuego burgers, before climbing aboard an overnight bus to Puerto Maldonado, a small town right at the edge of the Amazon Jungle. Having…